Resolution 24-01 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers for 2024 - January 23, 2024

 Resolution 24-02 - GAAP Waiver - February 6, 2024

 Resolution 24-03 - Moratorium on Commercial Renewable Energy - February 20, 2024

 Resolution 24-04 - Longevity Policy- February 6, 2024 (Amending 20-11)

 Resolution 24-05 - Fees for the Rental of Rolloff Containers - March 12, 2024

 Resolution 24-06 - Amending Resolution 23-03 Concerning Trash Service Pickup Fees - March 2024

 Resolution 24-07 - A Resolution Adopting a Void Check Policy for County Treasurer - April 16, 2024

 Resolution 24-08 - A Resolution to Cancel Certain County Warrants - April 16, 2024




 Resolution 23-01 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers for 2022 - January 10, 2023

 Resolution 23-02 - GAAP Waiver - January 10, 2023

 Resolution 23-03 - Amending Resolution 22-18 Solid Waste Fees - February 28, 2023

 Resolution 23-04 - Amending Resolution 23-01 Salaries - February 28, 2023

 Resolution 23-05 - Yearend Transfer Noxious Weed - February 28, 2023

 Resolution 23-06 - Yearend Transfer Road Bridge - February 28, 2023

 Resolution 23-07 - Approval of Tire Disposal Policy for Transfer Station - August 1, 2023

  Resolution 23-08 - Review and Revision of the Solid Waste Management Plan - October 17, 2023

 Resolution 23-09 - Amending 18-04 - Rental of Rolloff Containers - October 24, 2023

  Resolution 23-10 - Participation in Rural Opportunity Zone for 2024 - November 14, 2023




 Resolution 22-01 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers for 2022 - January 11, 2022

 Resolution 22-02 - Financial Statements - January 18, 2022

 Resolution 22-03 - Amending Resolution 06-03A and 17-02 Open Burning - January 18, 2022

 Resolution 22-04 - Opt out of National Heritage Area and Oppose 30X30 - February 8, 2022

 Resolution 22-05 - Official Depository  - February 22, 2022 

 Resolution 22-06 - Allowing Jail Commissary - March 1, 2022

 Resolution 22-07 - Allowing transfer of yearend funds in Road & Bridge Fund - March 8, 2022

 Resolution 22-08 - Allowing transfer of yearend funds in Noxious Weed fund - March 8, 2022

 Resolution 22-09 - Repealing Resolution 22-08 - March 22, 2022

 Resolution 22-10 - Vacating a road in Curtis Subdivision of Toronto - April 12, 2022

 Resolution 22-11 - Approving Conditional Use Permit - April 26, 2022

 Resolution 22-12 - Establishing A Neighborhood Revitalization Plan

 Resolution 22-13 - Concerning Salary of Election Board Workers - June 14, 2022

 Resolution 22-14 - Amending Resolution 99-04 - Employee Sharing Paid Time Off

 Resolution 22-15 - To Levy Property Tax Rate Exceeding The Revenue Neutral Rate - August 23, 2022

 Resolution 22-16 - Amending Resolution 11-01 - Trash Service Pickup Fees - August 23, 2022

 Resolution 22-17 - Vacating Alley in Vernon, KS - September 20, 2022

Resolution 22-18  - Amending Resolution 22-16 - Trash Service Pickup Fees - November 29, 2022

Resolution 22-19  - Participation in Rural Opportunity Zone Student Loan Repayment Program - December 6, 2022

Resolution 22-20  - Allowing transfer of remaining 2022 Budget for Road & Bridge Dept. -  December 27, 2022

Resolution 22-21  - Allowing transfer of remaining 2022 Budget for Noxious Weed Dept.-  December 27, 2022




 Resolution 21-01 - Repealing 20-17 Salary and Compensation of Employess and Officers for 2021 - January 12, 2021

 Resolution 21-02 - Temporarily amending Handbook for Covid-19 - January 19, 2021

 Resolution 21-03 - GAAP Waiver - January 26, 2021

 Resolution 21-04 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers for 2021 - January 19, 2021

 Resolution 21-05 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers for 2021 - February 23, 2021 (Amended March 9, 2021)

 Resolution 21-06 - Amending 21-05 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers for 2021 - March 9, 2021

 Resolution 21-07 - To Preserve and Defend the Second Amendment of the Unites States Constitution - 

 Resolution 21-08 - 

 Resolution 21-09 - 

 Resolution 21-10 - Conditional Use Permit - Stiffler - May 18, 2021

 Resolution  21-11 - Appointing a Emergency Management Director - June 1, 2021

 Resolution  21-12 - Changing resolution number 21-07 - June 29, 2021

 Resolution  21-13 - Appointing Appraiser to 4 year term - June 29, 2021

 Resolution  21-14 - Appointing a Emergency Management Director - August 10, 2021 

 Resolution  21-15 - Authorizing Participation in Rural Opportunity Zone Student Loan Repayment Program - August 10, 2021

 Resolution  21-16 - To levy a property tax rate exceeding the revenue neutral rate - August 24th, 2021

 Resolution  21-17 - To levy a property tax rate exceeding the revenue neutral rate for Rural Fire - August 24th, 2021

 Resolution  21-18 - Participation in Rural Opportunity Zone Student Loan Repayment Program - August 31, 2021





Resolution 20-01 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers for 2020 - January 7, 2020

Resolution 20-02 - GAAP Waiver - January 7, 2020

Resolution 20-03 - Nuisance Property (Toronto, KS) - January 28, 2020

 Resolution 20-04 - Covid-19 Public Health Emergency - March 17, 2020

 Resolution 20-05 - Amending Handbook Covid-19 - April 28, 2020

 Resolution 20-06 - State of Local Emergency - May 19, 2020

 Resolution 20-07 - Conditional Use Permit 1586 Hwy 54

 Resolution 20-08 - Road Closure 210th Rd East of Squirrel

 Resolution 20-09 - County Coronavirus Relief Fund Resolution

 Resolution 20-10 - Use of Face Masks - July 14, 2020

 Resolution 20-11 - Longevity Bonus Policy - July 14, 2020 (Amending 07-06 & 15-07)

 Resolution 20-12 - Local Public Health Emergency Extended - July 14, 2020

 Resolution 20-13 - Sales Tax Question on November Ballot - August 25, 2020

 Resolution 20-14 - Appointing Interim Emergency Management Director - October 20, 2020

 Resolution 20-15 - Rural Opportunity Zone Repayment Program - November 3, 2020

 Resolution 20-16 - Exempting Executive Order 20-68 - November 24, 2020

 Resolution 20-17 - Salary and Compensation for Employees and Officers for 2021- December 8, 2020




Resolution 19-01 - Establish Equipment Reserve Funds - January 8, 2019

Resolution 19-02 - GAAP Waiver - February 28, 2019

Resolution 19-03 - Dissolving WoCo Housing Authority - March 12, 2019

Resolution 19-04 - Imposing Stricter Requirements on Barbed Wire Fences - April 30, 2019

Resolution 19-05 - Amending Resolution 19-04 - May 7, 2019

Resolution 19-06 - Maximum Speed Limits (Carlisle & Fall River Rd) - May 7, 2019

Resolution 19-07 - Adopting KHS Region H Hazard Mitigation Plan - may 8, 2019

Resolution 19-08 - ROZ Student Loan Repayment Plan - July 30, 2019 

Resolution 19-09 - Road Closure - October 1, 2019

Resolution 19-10 - WoCo 2020 Holidays - November 5, 2019

Resolution 19-11 - WoCo Planning Commission Nuisance Abatement - November 19, 2019




Resolution 18-01 - GAAP Waiver - January 2, 2018

Resolution 18-02 - Extension Redistricting - January 9, 2018

Resolution 18-03 - Conditional Use Permit - May 8, 2018

Resolution 18-04 - Amending 14-01 Fees for Rolloff Rental Containers - May 29, 2018

Resolution 18-05 - ROZ Student Loan Repayment Program for 5 years - June 26, 2018

Resolution 18-06 - Conditional Use Permit - December 4, 2018

Resolution 18-07 - Vacating Land in Idletime Subdivision of Toronto - July 24, 2018

Resolution 18-08 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers for 2019 - December 18, 2018




Resolution 17-01 - Financial Statements and Reports for year ended 2017 - January 10, 2017

Resolution 17-02 - Appointing Interim Emergency management Coordinator - April 18, 2017

Resolution 17-03 - Amending 06-03A Prohibiting Open Burning Without a Permit - April 25, 2017

Resolution 17-04 - Appointing Emergency Management Coordinator - May 23, 2017

Resolution 17-05 - Establishes a Disaster Agency Responsible for Emergency Management - May 23, 2017

Resolution 17-06 - Vacating a Road in 19/23/15 & 24/23/14 - June 13, 2017

Resolution 17-07 - Appointing Jerry Mentzer Parttime Appraiser until June 30, 2021 - July 11, 2017

Resolution 17-07(2) - Naming Official Depository thru 2021 - October 3, 2017

Resolution 17-08 - Internet Tower Permit - November 17, 2017

Resolution 17-09 - Salary & Compensation of Employess and Officers - December 5, 2017




Resolution 16-01 - Financial Statements and Financial Reports for year ended 2016 - January 19, 2016

Resolution 16-02 - 25 miles Speed Limit within Neosho Falls - September 13, 2016

Resolution 16-03 - Declaring Flood Damage - October 14, 2016

Resolution 16-04 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers - November 29, 2016

Resolution 16-05 - Conditional Use Permit - December 6, 2016

Resolution 16-06 - ROZ Student Loan Repayment Program - December 20, 2016




Resolution 15-01 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers - January 13, 2015

Resolution 15-02 - GAAP Waiver - January 13, 2015

Resolution 15-04  - Region H Multi Hazard Multi Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan - February 3, 2015

Resolution 15-04 - Employment Procedures and Practices - April 7, 2015

Resolution 15-05 - Stop Sign at 7th and Main Neosho Falls - April 14, 2015

Resolution 15-06 - Renaming Road 54th Rd - May 12, 2015

Resolution 15-07 - Amending Resolution 07-06 Longevity - June 23, 2015 (Amended 20-11)

Resolution 15-08 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers - December 22, 2015




Resolution 14-01 - Rolloff Container Rental Fees Replaces 10-10 - January 14, 2014 (Amended with 18-04)

Resolution 14-02 - Amending Resolution 11-02 Trash Service Pickup Fees - January 7, 2014

Resolution 14-03 - Retaining Mortgage Registration Fee - January 14, 2014

Resolution 14-04 - Conditional Use Permit on Property in Unincorporated portions of County - March 11, 2014

Resolution 14-05 - Proclamation of State of Local Disaster Emergency - April 21, 2014

Resolution 14-06 - Financial Statements and Financial Reports for year ended 2014 - April 21, 2014

Resolution 14-07 - Center Township Funds for Brush Cemetery - December 9, 2014




Resolution 13-01 - Financial Statements and Financial Reports for year ended Dec 31, 2013 - April 11, 2013

Resolution 13-02 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers of Woodson County for 2013 - April 11, 2013

Resolution 13-03 - Authority to Contract for Convention and Tourism Programs to be Implemented - May 2, 2013 (Repealed by 13-03)

Resolution 13-04 - Repealing 13-03 - August 20, 2013

Resolution 13-05 - VACANT  (resolutions numbered out of order)

Resolution 13-06 - Jerry Mentzer appointed Fulltime Appraiser until June 30, 2017 - August 13, 2013

Resolution 13-07 - Property Taxation Policy of Woodson County for 2014 Annual Budget - August 20, 2013

Resolution 13-08 - Increase in Tax Revenues for Budget Year 2014 - August 20, 2013 

Resolution 13-09 - Proclamation of State of Local Disaster Emergency - August 27, 2013

Resolution 13-10 - Establishing Maximum Speed Limit of 25 mph Split Rock Cove, Sunset View, Lake Hills - October 8, 2013




Resolution 12-01 - Financial Statements and Financial Reports for year ended Dec 31, 2013 - March 22, 2012

Resolution 12-02 - Encourage Governor to Keep Medicaid for persons w/ Disabilities, Continue CDDO Administration of System - May 3, 2012

Resolution 12-03 - Establishing Woodson County 911 Fund - May 17, 2012

Resolution 12-04 - Supporting Local Environmental Protection Program - May 24, 2012

Resolution 12-05 - Prohibiting the Use of Stickers on Ballots Counted by Optical Scanning Systems - August 23, 2012

Resolution 12-06 - Property Taxation Policy for 2013 Budget - September 6, 2012

Resolution 12-07 - Property Taxation Policy for 2013 Rural Fire Budget - September 6, 2012

Resolution 12-08 - Amending the Adopted Zoning Regulations for Unincorporated Woodson County - October 11, 2012

Resolution 12-09 - Establishing a Demolition & Dismantling Permit Process for Mobile Homes & Recreational Vehicles - October 11, 2012

Resolution 12-10 - Waiving Requirement Designating Specific County Surveyor for Reviewing Plats prior to Recording - October 25, 2012

Resolution 12-11 - Prohibiting Domestic Animals and Livestock Running at Large, Criminal Punishment for Violation - November 8m 2012




Resolution 11-01 - Trash Pickup Fees - February 24, 2011

Resolution 11-02 - Amending 11-01 Trash Pickup Fees - March 3, 2011 (Amended by 14-02)

Resolution 11-03 - Financial Statements & Financial Reports for Dec 31, 2011 - March 10, 2011

Resolution 11-04 - CDBG Adoption - April 28,  2011

Resolution 11-05 - Revision of Solid Waste Management Plan - June 16, 2011

Resolution 11-06 - ROZ Student Loan Repayment Plan - June 16, 2011

Resolution 11-07 - Property Taxation Policy 2012 Annual Budget - August 18, 2011

Resolution 11-08 - Stop Sign 50th & Violet - September 15, 2011

Resolution 11-09 - Stop Sign 50th & Elk - November 10, 2011

Resolution 11-10 - Stop Sign 50th & Fawn - November 10, 2011

Resolution 11-11 - Stop Sign 50th & Fox - November 22, 2011

Resolution 11-12 - 31st Judicial District Community & Juvenile Correction Programs - December 1, 2011




Resolution 10-01 - Salary & Compensation of Employees & Officers - January 21, 2010

Resolution 10-02 - Retaining a Resident Judge in each County - February 25, 2010

Resolution 10-03 - Recoupment of Per Diem County Jail Prisioner Costs - March 4, 2010

Resolution 10-04 - Financial Statements & Financial Reports for Dec 31, 2010 - April 29, 2010

Resolution 10-05 - Establish & Maintain Disaster Agency for Emergency Management - April 29, 2010

Resolution 10-06 - Adopting Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan - May 27, 2010

Resolution 10-07 - Sale of 300 W Mary - June 17, 2010

Resolution 10-08 - Tax Foreclosure Sale - August 19, 2010

Resolution 10-09 - Sale of Excess Property - August 26, 2010

Resolution 10-10 - Rental Container Rates - August 26, 2010 (Replaced with 14-01)

Resolution 10-11 - Procedures for Animals Taken into Custody - September 9, 2010




Resolution 09-01 - Rental and Rolloff Container Fees - February 19, 2009

Resolution 09-02 - Financial Statements/ Financial Reports - March 5, 2009

Resolution 09-03 - General Obligation Bonds $175000 - March 26, 2009

Resolution 09-04 - NFIP Floodplain Management - April 2, 2009

Resolution 09-05 - Protection of Land Resources & Mitigation Measures - April 24, 2009

Resolution 09-06 - Red Flag Policy

Resolution 09-07 - Establishing License Fee for Cereal Malt Beverage License

Resolution 09-08 - Appointing Appraiser until June 30, 2013 - July 1, 2009

Resolution 09-09 - Regional Economic Development Organization - December 3, 2009

Resolution 09-10 - Support of Regional Strategic Plan & Regional Incentives - December 3, 2009

Resolution 09-11 - Revision of Solid Waste Management Plan - December 17, 2009

Resolution 09-12 - Amending Zoning Regulations - December 17, 2009

Resolution 09-13 - Collection & Distribution of Booking & Processing Fee as Court Costs - December 30, 2009




Resolution 08-01 - Financial Statements and Reports for year ended December 31, 2008 - January 31, 2008

Resolution 08-02 - Approval of Conditional Use Permit - February 7, 2008

Resolution 08-03 - Approval of Conditional Use Permit - March 27, 2008

 Resolution 08-04 - Approval of Conditional Use Permit - April 17, 2008

Resolution 08-05 - Endorsing Transportation Improvements Concerning Enactment of New Statewide Transportation Plan - April 17, 2008

Resolution 08-06 - Permitting Sale of CMB on Sunday except Easter from Noon to 8PM - Ma 15, 2008

Resolution 08-07 - Permitting Special Question on November Ballot for Alcoholic Liquor by the Individual Drink - May 22, 2008

Resolution 08-08 - Appointing Emergency Management Coordinator, Scott Wiltse - June 12, 2008

Resolution 08-09 - Approval of Conditional Use Permit - July 17, 2008 

Resolution 08-09A - Approval of Conditional Use Permit - August 7, 2008

Resolution 08-10 - Speed Limits - July 31, 2008

Resolution 08-11 - Fees for Rental of Roll Off Containers - August 7, 2008

Resolution 08-12 - Property Taxation Policy for 2009 Annual Budget - August 14, 2008

Resolution 08-13 - Property Taxation Policy for 2009 Annual Rural Fire Budget - August 14, 2008 

Resolution 08-14 - Approval of Condtitional Use Permit for Meteoroligical Tower (Lair) - October 2, 2008

Resolution 08-15 - Conditional Use Permit for Communication Tower (Splechter) - October 2, 2008

Resolution 08-16 - Conditional Use Permit for Shop Building (Wagner) - October 23, 2008

Resolution 08-17 - Endorsing Transportation Improvements Concerning Enactment of New Statewide Transportation Plan - October 23, 2008

Resolution 08-18 - Authorizing Construction of Improvements to The Community Building - October 30, 2008




Resolution 07-01 - Property Taxation Policy for 2007 Budget Rural Fire - January 11, 2007

Resolution 07-02 - Urging retaining Drivers License Renewals at the Local Level - January 25, 2007

Resolution 07-03 - Financial Statements and Reports for year ended December 31, 2007 - February 08, 2007

Resolution 07-04 - Kansas Prison Consortium Comprehensive Plan for Treatment Center - March 19, 2007

Resolution 07-05 - Policy Requiring Vehicles Transporting Refuse to Transfer Station be secured - May 24, 2007

Resolution 07-06 - Establish Longevity Salary Bonus for Employees with 6 Years of Service - June 26, 2007 (Amended 15-07)

Resolution 07-07 - Certifying Legal Authority to Apply 2007 CDBG Program - June 21, 2007

Resolution 07-08 - Assuring Funds will  be Available for CDBG financed Fire Station - June 21, 2007

Resolution 07-09 - Establishing Neosho Falls Cemetery District - June 21, 2007

Resolution 07-10 - Property Taxation Policy for 2008 Annual Budget - August 9, 2007

Resolution 07-11 - Property Taxation Policy for 2008 Annual Budget Fire Dept - August 9, 2007

Resolution 07-12 - Participation in National Flood Insurance Program - September 6, 2007

Resolution 07-13 - Ability to Negotiate Terms for Creation of Yates Center Adult Treatment Facility Authority - November 1, 2007

Resolution 07-14 - Adoption of Zoning Regulations - November 15, 2007

Resolution 07-15 - Adopting Subdivision Regulations (Zoning) - November 15, 2007

Resolution 07-16 - Review and Revision of Solid Waste Management Plan - November 29, 2007




Resolution 06-01 - Salary & Compensation of Employees and Officers for 2006 - January 12, 2006

Resolution 06-02 - Property Taxation Policy for 2006 Annual Budget (Rural Fire) - February 16, 2006

Resolution 06-03 - Limiting Open Burning without a Permit, Established Penalties for Violation - February 16, 2006

Resolution 06-03A - Amending 06-03 Limiting Open Burning without a Permit Penalties for Violation - March 30, 2006 (Amended 17-03)

Resolution 06-04 - Financial Statements and Financial Reports year ended Dec 31, 2006 - April 13, 2006

Resolution 06-05 - Action for Tax Foreclosure - June 22, 2006

Resolution 06-06 - Declaring Intention to withdraw from Southeast Kansas Multi County Board of Health - July 13, 2006

Resolution 06-07 - Property Taxation Policy for 2007 Annual Budget - August 17, 2006

Resolution 06-08 - Review and Revision of Solid Waste Management Plan - October 26, 2006

Resolution 06-09 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers for 2007 - December 28, 2006




Resolution 05-01 - Civil Rights Obligations of KDOC CDBG - January 11, 2005

Resolution 05-02 - Adopting 2004 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy SEKRPC - March 31, 2005

Resolution 05-03 - GAAP Waiver - April 4, 2005

Resolution 05-04 - Revision Solid Waste Management Plan - April 28, 2005

Resolution 05-05 - Levying County Wide Retailers Sales Tax 1 % effective October 1, 2005- June 23, 2005

Resolution 05-06 - Appointing Jerry Mentzer Appraiser Expiring July 1, 2009 - July 14, 2005 

Resolution 05-07 - Property Taxation Policy for 2006 Budget - August 25, 2005

 Resolution 05-08 - Funding for Storm Sirens CDBG - September 15, 2005

Resolution 05-09 - Apply for 2006 CDBG Program with KDOC - September 15, 2005

Resolution 05-10 - Establishing the National Incident Management System (NIMS) - September 22, 2005

Resolution 05-11 - Issuance and Delivery of $131,000 General Obligation Temporary Notes Renewal - October 06, 2005

Resolution 05-12 - Review and Revision of Solid Waste Managemen Plan - November 3, 2005




Resolution 04-01 - Financial Statements/ Financial Reports - March 16, 2004

Resolution 04-02 - Certifying the Revision of Solid Waste Management Plan - April 4, 2004

Resolution 04-03 - Recovery of expenses for Emergency Action in response of Release of Material in the Environment- April 27, 2004

Resolution 04-04  - Property Taxation policy in regards to 2005 Budget - August 24, 2004

Resolution 04-05 - Petition KAC for Amendment to Bylaws, Legislative Committee - August 24, 2004

Resolution 04-06 - Certifying the review/revision of the Solid Waste Management Plan - August 24, 2004

Resolution 04-07 - Increasing Sales Tax 1% for Property Tax Relief KSA 19-117 - October 5, 2004

Resolution 04-08 - Submit Proposition of 1% Sales Tax to the qualified electors - November 6, 2004




Resolution 03-01 - Property Taxation Policy - February 4, 2003

Resolution 03-02 - GAAP Waiver - February 11, 2003

Resolution 03-03 - Update to Overall Economic Dev Program - July 1, 2003

Resolution 03-04 - Certifying legal authority to apply for the CDBG - July 29, 2003

Resolution 03-05 - Assuring funds will be provided with CDBG - July 29, 2003

Resolution 03-06 - Residential Antidisplacement/Relocation Assistance Plan - July 29, 2003

Resolution 03-07 - Expressing Property Taxation Policy - August 19, 2003

Resolution 03-08- CDBG Emer Storm Shelter procurement of materials - November 18, 2003

Resolution 03-09- Application for KPERS optional life insurance KSA 49-4927(6)(7) - November 18, 2003

Resolution 03-10 - Confirming Reg Econ Development Enterprise Zone KSA 74-50-116c(1) - December 23, 2003

Resolution 03-11 - Reconfirming support for Regional Strategic Plan - December 23, 2003

Resolution 03-12 - Salary/Compensation of Employess/Officers - December 30, 2003




Resolution 02-01 -Certifying Legal Authority for Small Cities CDBG - February 5, 2002

Resolution 02-02 - Assuring funds continually provided for Senior Citizens Center - February 5, 2002

Resolution 02-03 - Residential Antidisplacement/relocation asst plan - February 5, 2002

Resolution 02-04 - GAAP Waiver - March 5, 2002

Resolution 02-05 - Listing as named party in legal action by KAC (demand transfer pymt deductions) - December 10, 2002

Resolution 02-06 - Salary/Compensation of Employees/Officers - December 31, 2002




Resolution 01-01 - Audit Engagement Letter/ GAAP Waiver - March 20, 2001

Resolution 01-02 - Petition for Tax Sale of Real Property - March 20, 2001

Resolution 01-03 - Adopting 1999 (OEDP) Overall Econ Dev Plan - June 19, 2001 

Resolution 01-04  - Appraiser Appointment Expires 7/1/2005 - July 10, 2001

Resolution 01-05 - Resolution adopting zoning changes S22/T24/R17 - July 24, 2001

Resolution 01-06 - Property Taxation Policy- August 28, 2001

Resolution 01-07 - Construct Public Building General Obligation Bonds - October 30, 2001

Resolution 01-08 - General Obligation Bonds - October 30,2001

Resolution 01-09 - Increase in Tax Rural Fire Dist #1 - November 6, 2001




Resolution 00-01 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers for 2000 - January 11, 2000

Resolution 00-02 - Urging KS Legislature to Resore St General Fund budget - March 14, 2000

Resolution 00-03 - Financial Statements and Reports for year ended Dec 31, 2000 - March 28, 2000

Resolution 00-04 - Appointing Freedom of Information Officer - June 20, 2000

Resolution 00-05 - Authorizing Sick & Vacation Leave for Employees - June 20, 2000

Resolution 00-06 - Economic Development Organization Qualifying the Southeast Kansas Regional Planning Commission - June 27, 2000

Resolution 00-07 - Support of Regional Strategic Plan - June 27, 2000

Resolution 00-07A - Support of Regional Strategic Plan - August 29, 2000

Resolution 00-08 - Adopting 5 year Solid Waste Plan

Resolution 00-09 - Salary and Compensation of Employees and Officers for 2001 - December 26, 2000




Resolution 99-01  – Review of Solid Waste Management Plan – February 9, 1999

Resolution 99-02  – Preparation of financial statements for year ended December 31, 1999 – March 2, 1999

Resolution 99-03  – 1998 overall economic development program of SEKRPC – April 27, 1999

Resolution 99-04  – Sharing of accrued Sick Leave and Vacation Time amoung county employees – May 4, 1999

Resolution 99-05  – Exempting provisions of KSA 12-1697 to 12-16, 101 Transient Guest Tax – June 29, 1999

Resolution 99-06  – Commencing declare a portion of 220th Rd West of Wren Rd minimum maintenance, Notice of hearing – July 20, 1999

Resolution 99-07  – Declaring a certain protion of 220th Rd west of Wren Rd minimum maintenance – August 3, 1999

Resolution 99-08  – Attesting possible increase in taxes levied for budget yerar 2000 to finance public services – August 10, 1999

Resolution 99-09  – Reimbursement of county for cost incurred KSA 58-2005 – September 14, 1999

Resolution 99-10  – Review of Solid Waste Management Plan – October 12, 1999




Resolution 98-01 – Salary of employees for year 1998 – January 13, 1998

Resolution 98-02 – Preparation of financial statements for year ended December 31, 1998 – March 3, 1998

Resolution 98-03 – Intent to withdraw from interlocal agreement for SEK Community Corrections Program – March 3, 1998

Resolution 98-04 – Join 31st Judicial district Community Corrections Program – March 31, 1998

Resolution 98-05 – Establishing annual refuse fees at trailer courts – June 9, 1998

Resolution 98-06 – Concerning County Attorney’s Secretary Amending 94-04 – June 23, 1998

Resolution 98-07 – to submit to qualified electors a one percent retailer’s sales tax – August 11, 1998

Resolution 98-08 – Kansas Enterprise Zone – September 22, 1998

Resolution 98-09 – Support for the qualifying regional strategic plan – September 22, 1998

Resolution 98-10 – Joining the 31st Judicial district juvenile justice authority – October 6, 1998

Resolution 98-11 – FEMA authorized rep – December 22, 1998




Resolution 97-01 – Preparation of financial statements for year ended December 31, 1997 – February 18, 1997

Resolution 97-02 – Contract – Jerry Mentzer – Appraiser – June 24, 1997

Resolution 97-03 – Regarding foreclosure and sale of all real estate tax liens – July 8, 1997

Resolution 97-04 – SEK Solid Waste Authority Management Plan – October 28, 1997

Resolution 97-05 – Trash Service Fees on tax statement – disconnect procedures – October 28, 1997

Resolution 97-06 – 3 digit “911” number and impose tax for payment of service – December 30, 1997




Resolution 96-01 – Uniform system for numbering buildings and naming roads – January 30, 1996

Resolution 96-02 – Compensating employee’s upon termination of employment – January 30, 1996

Resolution 96-03 – Adopting Interlocal Agreement b/t County and other Counties and create SEK Solid Waste Operating Authority –

                               January 30, 1996

Resolution 96-04 – Preparation of financial statements for year ended December 31, 1996 – May 7, 1996

Resolution 96-05 – Regional Economic Development Organization – October 1, 1996

Resolution 96-06 – Support of Regional Economic Development Organization – October 1, 1996

Resolution 96-07 – Terminating participation in SEK Solid Waste Authority – October 29, 1996

Resolution 96-08 – Replace Resolution 96-06 – November 26, 1996

Resolution 96-09  - Authorizing SEK Solid Waste Authority to apply for grant funding under waste tire base grant – November 26, 1996




Resolution 95-02 – Exempting from KSA 1993 79-5028 – May 16, 1995

Resolution 95-04 – Preparation of Financial Statements for year ended December 31, 1995 – June 6, 1995

Resolution 95-03 – Providing for recovery in response to release of material into the environment – August 15, 1995

Resolution 95-04 – Provide assistance to other jurisdictions within and outside Woodson County during disasters – August 15, 1995

Resolution 95-08 – Concerning tax abatement to National Mills Inc – December 21, 1995

Resolution 95-09 – Establishing Equipment Reserve Fund for purpose of financing acquisition of equipment – December 26, 1995




Resolution 94-01 – Preparation of financial statement for year ended December 31, 1994 – February 15, 1994 

Resolution 94-02 – Adopt the revised Tri-County strategic plan – March 8, 1994

Resolution 94-03 – Adopt the revised Tri-County strategic plan – May 24, 1994

Resolution 94-03 – Request to modify agreement with St of Ks & Social Security for election worker coverage – May 30, 1994

Resolution 94-04 – Concerning salary & compensation of employees - Amended with 98-06




Resolution 93-01 – Attach lands to the Toronto Township Fire District – January 5, 1993

Resolution 93-02 – Sick leave and Vacation time for County employees – January 19, 1993

Resolution 93-03 – Participate in economic development planning program of SEK Regional Planning Commission – April 27, 1993

Resolution 93-04 – Joint resolution b/t Woodson County & SEK Regional Planning Commission – April 27, 1993

Resolution 93-07 – Employee Agreement – Jerry Mentzer – Appraiser – June 29, 1993

Resolution 93-08 – Solid Waste Resolution – imposition of fees – July 12, 1993


Previous Resolutions

Resolution – Creating Transient Guest Tax - 1993