Woodson County has been allocated $609,520.00 in American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Woodson County has been allocated $100,000.00 in Local Assistance/Tribal Consistency funds.



The first allocation was made in May 2021 with half of the funds being disbursed to the county.

The second allocation was made in July 2022 with the remaining half of the funds disbursed to the county.

Funds must be allocated to be spent by December 31, 2024.

Funds must be spent by December 31, 2026.

LATCF funds were approved in September 2022.

Woodson County received it's first allocation in October 2022.

The second allocation was received in August 2023. 



Allowable uses of the funding is as follows:

Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds provide eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments with a substantial infusion of resources to meet

pandemic response needs and rebuild a stronger, more equitable economy as the country recovers. Within the categories of eligible uses, recipients have broad

flexibility to decide how best to use this funding to meet the needs of their communities. Recipients may use Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to:

• Support public health expenditures, by funding COVID-19 mitigation efforts, medical expenses, behavioral healthcare, and certain public health and safety staff;

• Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency, including economic harms to workers, households, small businesses, impacted

   industries, and the public sector;

• Replace lost public sector revenue, using this funding to provide government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue experienced due to the pandemic;

• Provide premium pay for essential workers, offering additional support to those who have borne and will bear the greatest health risks because of their service in

   critical infrastructure sectors; and,

• Invest in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure, making necessary investments to improve access to clean drinking water, support vital wastewater and

   stormwater infrastructure, and to expand access to broadband internet.

Within these overall categories, Treasury’s Interim Final Rule provides guidelines and principles for determining the types of programs and services that this funding

can support, together with examples of allowable uses that recipients may consider. Treasury has also designed these provisions to take into consideration the

disproportionate impacts of the COVID-19 public health emergency on those hardest-hit by the pandemic. 

Allowable uses of the LATCF funding is as follows:

·         ARPA states that LATCF funds are available "for any governmental purpose other than a lobbying activity."

·         LATCF funds used for infrastructure projects are subject to the domestic procurement requirements of the Build America, Buy America Act.

·         If a county applies for it's share of LATCF funds within the first six months of the LATCF distribution, dollars will be waived from Build America, Buy America. 






         On August 3rd 2021, The Board of County Commissioners approved spending $240,000 on a new Ambulance for Woodson County. This expenditure will allow the Ambulance Department to respond more easily to situations out in rural areas of the county as the new ambulance will be four wheel drive and better suited to handle every terrain which will meet a need of the citizens living in the rural areas who live in a Qualified Census Tract. 

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $230,317.00

On October 25, 2022, The Board of County Commissioners approved spending around $15,000.00 for the replacement of gas lines at the Ambulance Barn and installation of a Generator for backup purposes in the event of a power outage.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $11,503.00

On October 26, 2021, The Board of County Commissioners approved spending ARPA funds for the purchase of CPR mannequins and software/learning material for the purpose of training County staff and eventually the public.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $2,859.02




On August 10, 2021, The Board of County Commissioners approved the expenditure to cover the repairs to the Jail due to plumbing issues.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $35,278.87




On May 3, 2022, The Board of County Commissioners approved spending $5000.00 for fencing and repairs to the Saddle Club Arena at the Woodson County Fairgrounds. The grounds are owned by Woodson County.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $4,957.10




On August 9, 2022, The Board of County Commissioners approved spending $13985.00 for the repair of the existing Fire Alarm System in the Courthouse and to fix the link of that alarm to Dispatch. Revised amount to $15,110.00 on December 20, 2022.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $15,110.00

On August 9, 2022, The Board of County Commissioners approved spending $28200.00 for the installation of a new lightening rod and grounding system for the Courthouse and 911 Center.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $25,900.00

On July 26, 2022, The Board of County Commissioners approved spending $45,062.90 for the installation of a new roof for the Courthouse.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $45,062.90

On September 27, 2022, The Board of County Commissioners approved spending $15,923.00 for the installation of a new phone system for the Courthouse.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $15,923.00

On June 28, 2022, The Board of County Commissioners approved spending $57,517.00 to improve security and create office space for new employees in the District Court. On December 20, 20222 the amount was revised to $52,517.00 coming from ARPA and $5,000.00 being paid from District Court.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $52,517.00


On , 202, The Board of County Commissioners approved spending $5,813.34 to repair the flat roof near the cupola on the Courthouse.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $5,813.34

On , 2023, The Board of County Commissioners approved the purchase a new server for the Courthouse for $24,524.00. The old server is old enough that future updates will not be possible, which could be a security risk. LATCF will pay $15,002.00 and ARPA will pay $9,522.00

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $0.00



On  2024, The Board of County Commissioners approved spending $17,333.00 for the upgrade of the security system for employees in the Courthouse. The Commissioners approved purchasing new panic buttons and an alert system to eliminate lag times in panic buttons being reported to the Sheriff's Office. The new system automatically pages officers if a button is pushed in the Courthouse.

          ·       Actual LATCF Amount Spent $17,333.00 

On , 2023, The Board of County Commissioners approved the purchase a new server for the Courthouse for $24,524.00. The old server is old enough that future updates will not be possible, which could be a security risk. LATCF will pay $15,002.00 and ARPA will pay $9,522.00

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $0.00




On July 26, 2022, The Board of County Commissioners approved spending $25,675.00 for the inspection and cleaning of the Woodson County Improvement District #2 sewer system. On Dec 13, 2022 the board amended the approval amount to $26,095.08.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $ 26,095.08



The Board is reserving $40,000.00 to allow for future repair needs of the sewer inspection as found by this inspection. Te Board approved spending $67,665.00 from LATCF funds to do the needed upgrades found in the previous project.

          ·       Actual LATCF Amount Spent $67,665.00




On December 20, 2022 The Board of County Commissioners approved the expenditure of $43,405.00 for the purpose of allowing Wilson Co RWD 9 to purchase parts and new software/equipment to complete an upgrade to the water delivery system to the areas around Toronto Lake that they service.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $19332.78




        On July 6, 2021 Commissioners approve the purchase of a laptop for the Public Works Administrator. This laptop and accessories will connect remotely to the Road and Bridge office in the Courthouse and allow the Administrator to work remotely in times that having him present in the Courthouse is not advised as he comes into contact with more remote employees and more people in the public.

               ·       Actual Amount Spent $1,056.99 

On July 13, 2022, The Board of County Commissioners approved transferring $50,000.00 to the Road and Bridge Fund in January 2023 as a Reimbursement Expense to help alleviate budget constraints.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $50,000.00

On July 20, 2021 The Board of County Commissioners approved allowing the County Treasurer to used Yerkes & Michels CPA to calculate revenue loss for the purpose of ARPA funds.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $2,500.00

On November 1, 2022 The Board of County Commissioners approved the purchase of additional CPR books for each department to have a book available with their first aid kit for a refresher throughout the year and in case of emergency.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $36.41

On August 18, 2022, The Board of County Commissioners approved the purchase of mister/foggers and extra batteries for the Emergency Departments to use for mitigation of disease.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $494.60

On , 2024, The Board of County Commissioners approved the purchase of 10 AED's for County Agencies. Three AED's were purchased for the county's three senior centers. The remaining AED's will be placed in Rural Fire, Toronto Fire, Ambulance Director and Sheriff's vehicles.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $15,900.00

 On , October 15, 2024, The Board of County Commissioners approved the purchase of Water Rescue Equipment for the Rural Fire Department. The equipment will include a Stokes Basket, Backboard, Lanterns, and good life jackets for 12 firemen.

          ·       Actual Amount Spent $12,289.90


Total Revenue/Expenditures:

                              Received ARPA May 2021 -             $ 304,760.00

PROJECT 1 - Ambulance Dept - $ 244,679.02

PROJECT 2 - Sheriff"s Dept - $35,278.87

PROJECT 3 - Fairgrounds - $4,957.10

PROJECT 4 - Courthouse  - $160,326.24

PROJECT 5 - Piqua Sewer - $26,095.08

PROJECT 6 - Wilson Co RWD 9- $19,332.78

PROJECT 7 - Revenue Replacement Woodson - $82,277.90 

                              Received ARPA July 2022 -              $ 304,760.00   

                        Received LATCF October 2022 -             $   50,000.00

                        Received LATCF August 2023  -             $   50,000.00


LATCF PROJECT 4 - Courthouse  - $17,333.00

LATCF PROJECT 5 - Piqua Sewer - $67,665.00


                      Remaining Funds -             $ 51,575.01


    PROJECT 6 - Wilson RWD No 9 Improv at Lake - $24,072.22

    PROJECT 4 - CTHS Server (partial) - $9522.00    

    PROJECT 7 - Revenue Replacement Woodson - $ 2,978.79                          

    LATCF - Project 4 - Upgrade Server in CTHS (partial)- $15,002.00



                                              Remaining Unallocated Funds in 2024 -        

                                                                                                          LATCF UNALLOCATED - $0.00

                                                                                                          ARPA  UNALLOCATED - $0.00






Project 1 Vendors –

1) Emergency Services Supply $230,317.00

          2) Amazon $2499.02

          3)  Allied 100 $360.00

          4) Kansas Generators LLC $8253.00

5) Cook’s Plumbing $3250.00

Project 2 Vendors –

1) Caldwell Floor Covering $1351.75

          2) Stanion Wholesale Electric Co $ 3120.00

          3) Seely Plumbing LLC $28,095.61

          4) Jeff Barnett $554.00

          5) KJ Electrical Contracting LLC $2157.51

Project 3 Vendors –

1)       Gericke Iron & Metal Inc $4957.10

Project 4 Vendors –

1) H&H Roofing & Restoration $45,062.90

          2) LightningMaster $25,900.00

          3) FireX INC $15,110.00

          4) Advantage Computer Enterprises, INC $52,517.00

          5) Kansas Communications Services, INC $15,923.00

Project 5 Vendors –

1)       Mayer Specialty Services, LLC $26,095.08

Project 6 Vendors –

1)       Core & Main $12,238.66

2)       Subsurface Solutions $ 4,812.49

Project 7 Vendors –

1) Yerkes & Michels CPA, LLC $2500.00

          2) Amazon $1264.59

          3) The Home Depot $297.00

          4) American Heart Association $36.41

          5) Woodson County RB $50,000.00


On August 31, 2021, The Board of County Commissioners were presented with Revenue Loss calculations for 2020 in the amount of $330,657.06. The Commission approved money to be allocated to Revenue Loss that will be spent for government services and infrastructure such as roads. With the Final Rule being published the US Treasury set the revenue loss threshold at $10,000,000.00 for each locality. As such Woodson County could spend all of their award for Revenue Loss in the provision of Government Services.